Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Silver Dollar City, MO

We went to Silver Dollar City with Oma and Opa. We had a great time. You're not going to believe this, but this guy could juggle and solve this Rubics Cube at the same time. No joke. He gave the cube to a person in the audience and ask them to pass it down randomly and mix it up so we knew it wasn't a set up. He would look at the cube when it was in his right hand and decide what move to make and then when the cube got to his left hand he would make whatever move needed to be made. He asked us to set our watches for 5 minutes, but he did it in 3!
Silver Dollar City has the best roller coasters of any park I've been to, but the food was disgusting! It was really unhealthy AND it tasted bad. This is some kind of potatoe mixture. They sliced up potatoes, sweet potatoes and peppers. It looked really good, but it was this mushy paste with no flavor and a whole bunch of oil.
Here is Nicole's reaction to the food. We tried several different types of food there, but none of it worked.
This funhouse mirror gives you a preview of what you would look like if you ate southern food all the time.
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