Tuesday, August 5, 2008


This is on our way back from Church on our first Sunday. It takes us about 10 minutes to walk to Church. We walk across a park and then into Jing Shan villas. It's a gated community where Shekou International School is. The branch meets in a home, because the government doesn't allow the Church to have their own buildings. Last Sunday there was about 50 people and during the school year they expect the branch to be at about 100 people. I am so grateful for this branch because there are a lot of kids who are Rachel and Jonnys age. This is making it a lot easier for them.
This is one of the streets on the way to Church. The trees grow over the street so it's like you're walking thru a tunnel. The trees have roots that hang down from the branches which are hard to see in this pictures, but it gives the street more of a tunnel feel.
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Heidi J said...

You look great there. No one has red puffy eyes from crying them out. That's a good sign! You must be enjoying it so far!! ;) Those trees are awesome

Rundells said...

Hi Heidi! We've been told that there is a high and then a low and then you normalize. Right now everything is new to us so doing just menial tasks are interesting for all of us.