Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Foot Massage!!!

Today our school paid for all the new teachers to get foot massages. This is a massage place about a 5 minute walk from our school. It's near Seaworld. They also offer "other services", but we just stick to the foot messages. It was fun to go with all our new friends from school. We love China. The message consists of 70 minutes of back and foot massage. It costs about $6.
Here is Coree and a new teacher from Oregon waiting for their turn.
This is Rick and Michelle. They are a couple we've gotten to know pretty well because they have 4 kids like us. They have triplet boys who are Jonny's age and they are always ready to play any kind of sports, especially basketball. They also have a daughter Nicole's age so they are always hanging out together.
These are a few more teachers who were waiting for their massages. Since we are still new, some of the names are escaping me at the moment, but the couple in the middle are David and Sue. They are a super nice couple from New Zealand. John is farthest to the right and he is from Vermont.
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