Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Summer 2012

 So our summer has come to an end.  We left our beautiful Utah on August 15 with lots of fun memories.  We were fortunate enough to be able to spend time with family and friends.  
It was a great summer that had to come to an end.
 We spent one evening with Todd's, Marsi's husband, family for a barbecue.  His Dad has some really cool toys and cars.  This was one of them that he let Gavin drive.  It was pretty fun until it started to rain on us.
We always feel so patriotic when we come back to the States.

 Fortunately we had a pretty much injure free summer.  This was about the worst of our injuries until the end of the summer when Rachel kicked a soccer ball at Coree while playing soccer.  She tried to block the ball with her hand and messed up her wrist for several weeks.

 We always continue our traditional walks through Provo Canyon.
 Oma and Opa made the long drive out from Arkansas to spend our last few days with us.
 This is one of many reasons why we love Utah.  It is so beautiful.

Always good to continue developing our friendships.  
Vika and Aspen didn't take long at all to become reacquainted.

We want to make it a tradition to have a picnic at the park to end our time in Utah.  This year we had most of Ranell's family, Susan and Carl's family, Stephanie and her fiancee, Marsi and Riley, Colton, and Katrina even stopped by.  We all decided to do this again with whoever can come.
Basketball became a big part of our life...no surprise there.  We were staying only a few blocks from the Pleasant Grove Recreational Center so we spent many hours playing basketball, volleyball, working out, and doing Zumba.

Syra and Vika...
and Jonny being a typical brother to Rachel.

Lars and Deegan kicking the soccer ball around.

We drove up to Idaho to pick Rachel up and spent a few days at the Sand Dunes camping and riding ATV's.
We kind of felt like the beverly hillbillies with our little tent compared to the massive RV's and trailers, but it was still awesome.

Vika loved wearing the helmet...it was like her crown.

Jonny got sunburned a few days before rock climbing and this was the after effect.

Gavin and his tricks...

Gavin getting some air....
Rachel was training for a marathon so part of her training was to run 20 miles.  Camping didn't stop her so she ran through the country with Gavin following her in the car.

After Idaho we camped a few days in Yellowstone before heading back to Utah.

Stopped to see a few Bison...

Of course we saw Old Faithful...twice.
Our time in Yellowstone ended with a storm.

We loved our summer and are looking forward to next summer.  Although we had a great time, it was great to come home to Saudi.