Sunday, September 12, 2010

This is part of the mud course. Jonny said this was the funnest course because they were able to get wet. It is really hot and humid in this part of Texas, so I totally can understand why they enjoyed this part of the course.
This is the uniform all the boys had to wear for their PT (Personal Training) and workouts. They only had two choices, this and their camo gear. We had to say goodbye for the night but knew that the next time we saw Jonny, we could take him home.
The next morning all the parents were seated to watch the parade of boys in front of the Iwo Jima monument. There were about 400 boys here all dressed in camo uniforms, marching in formation with their platoons.
This is Jonny's platoon but we were too far away to be able to spot which one was him.
The platoons all marched by the stands as they exited the field. Jonny is in the third row from the back closest to us. He is right behind the tall kid. Again they couldn't look at us as they marched by. Jonny took this very serious, as did most of the boys.

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