Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Eve at Seaworld

This year was a very different Christmas for us. We tried to make it seem like Christmas the best we could. Seaworld Plaza was decked out with what the Chinese thought Christmas was all about. This was on the side of a huge building right next to the plaza. We walked down for Christmas Eve to see all the lights and get hot chocolate at Starbucks. It really wasn't quite cold enough for hot chocolate but we thought it would get us in the mood. We were surprised at the festivities that were going on.
It was funny to see Chinese people dressed up as Santa Claus. This didn't fool Vika at all. She knew it wasn't the real one.
We wanted to get a picture of the lights at the plaza. No, this isn't snow falling. It's just the flash from the camera reflecting off the pollution and debris in the air. It looks cool though.
As we were walking around we saw that they were selling these red horns and had to get a picture of people wearing them. We have no idea why but there were several people walking around with them on. Doesn't quite fit the Christmas spirit.
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